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Royal Army of Caid

Handbook - HTML Format

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Royal Army of Caid
Army Handbook

Version 1.0, Last Revised 6/5/2005

Royal Army of Caid

Table of Contents

1 Preface
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Thanks

2 General
2.1 Elections
2.2 Duties

3 Praetorium
3.1 Elected Staff
3.2 Appointed Staff
3.3 Miscellaneous Staff

4 Brigades
4.1 Elections
4.2 Rules
4.3 Current Brigades
4.4 Exceptions
4.5 Communication

5 Alliances
5.1 Rules
5.2 Current Alliances
5.3 Communication

6 War Units
6.1 Rules
6.2 Current War Units
6.3 Communication


1 Preface

1.1 Introduction
The Royal Army of Caid is the fighting populace of the Kingdom of Caid, Society for Creative Anachronism. This document details the rules and regulations for the command structure of this group. For more information about how to join the Army, visit our web site at: and find your regional representative.

1.2 Thanks
This document was assembled, critiqued and commented by many people, thank you all. Special thanks go to: Sir Patrick O'Malley, Sir Kolfinna kottr, Mistress Scannlach Faolscatha "Shadowwolf", and Mistress Therese of the White Griffin.


2 General
The General is the elected commander of the Royal Army of Caid, who runs the day to day operations of the army and works in conjunction with the Monarchs of Caid during War Time.

2.1 Elections
a) The Crown will appoint a person who has no affiliation to any of the General Candidates to run the Election.
b) Said representatives will be listed on the army web site along with any events that person will be attending.
c) Voting is open only to currently authorized heavy weapons fighters and can be done by email, mail, or in person to the designated representative.
d) Any persons interested in holding the General Office are required to send in writing (email preferred) to the Chief of Staff; a note stating intention to run for office, a bio with experience and qualifications (about 5 sentences), and complete contact information. The deadline for entering the voting is November 15 of odd numbered years.
e) Voting takes place Feb. 1st through April 15th during Even Numbered Years.
f) After the vote has been tallied and accepted by the Crowns, the new (or continuing) General is confirmed at the coronation or war that immediately follows the April 15th deadline.
g) The General holds office for a period of 2 years.

2.2 Duties
a) The General and his staff runs the day to day operations of the army and works in conjunction with the Monarchs of Caid during wartime.
b) The General should attend and represent the Army at Negotiations for all Major Wars that Caid participates in as a Kingdom.
c) Between wars, the General coordinates kingdom war practices, makes suggestions to the brigadiers, and gives guidance as needed. During training, the General and his Second in Command or their deputies command the two sides of the army.
d) Before major wars, the General and his Chief of Staff contact out kingdom allies and coordinate with them such information as may affect their various objectives and deployment during the battles.
e) At the war, the General briefs or suggests to the commanders of allied armies, and Caid's Brigadiers as to the battle plans and their particular objectives in the plan. He/she assigns a muster time and point for the Caidan Army.
f) At the muster point, the General informs the Caidan Brigades and unattached war units as to their position on the field.
g) On the field, the General inspects Brigade deployment and makes final adjustments.
h) During the battle, the General commands the Caidan Army upon the battlefield.


3 Praetorium
The Praetorium is the command staff of the Royal Army of Caid.

3.1 Elected Staff
a) The elected staff is picked by their geopolitical group and can only be removed by the Monarchs.
b) General: Elected by the entire Army of Caid
c) Brigade Commander: Elected by their individual Brigade members.

3.2 Appointed Staff
a) These staff members are appointed by the General and can be removed anytime at his/her discretion.
b) Second-in-Command: This officer is the second of command of the army. Duties include taking over for the General when and where (s)he is unable.
c) Chief of Staff: Organizes army and keeps all the info related to army and its units.
d) Staff Colonel: The Staff Colonels executes the General's commands and tactics on the field.
e) Advisor: Those who give advice to the General when needed.
f) Webwright: Maintainer of the web site.
g) Guardian of the Treasury: This task is currently under the purview of the Kingdom Exchequer.
h) War College Dean: Organizes and helps run the classes taught for the army.
i) Archery Coordination: A Commander and his/her appointed staff, who help coordinate archers during battles that require mass archer units.
j) The General can create any office (s)he feels needs to have a person maintaining it.

3.3 Miscellaneous Staff
a) The Brigade commander and their Staff are included in the Praetorium.
b) The Commanders of Alliances and their staff are included in the Praetorium.


4 Brigades
Brigades are geographical war units made up from available fighting units.

4.1 Elections
a) Brigades are run by the Brigade Commanders who is elected every 2 years.
b) Elections are run by a designated official appointed by the General.

4.2 Rules
a) You must have a minimum of 30 fighters
b) You must have the approval of the General to form.
c) Brigade Commanders appoint their own staff which can include: Majors, Aide de Camps, and Advisors

4.3 Current Brigades
a) First Brigade - Bukellarii
b) Second Brigade - Iron Brigade
c) Third Brigade - White Lighting
d) Fifth Brigade
e) CRAC Brigade - Caidan Royal Artillery Corps

4.4 Exceptions
a) The CRAC Brigade (Caidan Royal Artillery Corps) is a Siege Weapon Brigade and is not required to hold to the required number of fighters of a brigade.

4.5 Communication
a) Keep your Brigade Info Current with the Chief of Staff.
b) Provide fighter data before the war, especially at Major Wars.
c) Provide fighter data after the war, especially at Major Wars.
d) Brigade Commanders check in with the General at Major Wars.
e) At Major Wars, at the end of every battle unit commanders should check in with the General. Have your 2nd in command to prep your troops while commanders hear the plans. The General will give battle plans, then the Brigade Commanders are to spread them to their troops.


5 Alliances
There are times when Large Alliances are formed to better help our army. For all intents and purposes the alliances function as a brigade status group. Any group who is wishing to form a alliance or brigade, it is suggested you go down the brigade path, as the alliance path is a rare formation.

5.1 Rules
a) The General must approve the formation of any Official Army Alliance.
b) The Army does not control the election or running of Alliances.

5.2 Current Alliances
a) Akraitae
b) Northern Alliance

5.3 Communication
f) Keep your Alliance Info Current with the Chief of Staff.
g) Provide fighter data before the war, especially at Major Wars.
h) Provide fighter data after the war, especially at Major Wars.
i) Alliance Leaders check in with the General at Major Wars.
j) At Major Wars, at the end of every battle unit commanders should check in with the General. Have your 2nd in command to prep your troops while commanders hear the plans. The General will give battle plans, then the alliance commanders are to spread them to their troops.

War Units

6 War Units
War Units (War Bands) are formed by individuals for their own purposes.

6.1 Rules
a) The Army does not control the election or running of individual war units.
b) There is no size requirement for War Units.
c) The War Unit has the right to decide which Brigade, Alliance or Unit they wish to attach themselves to. This also includes the right to remain unattached in the Army.

6.2 Current War Units
Please visit to see the full list.

6.3 Communication
a) Keep your War Unit Info Current with the Chief of Staff.
b) Provide fighter data before the war, especially at Major Wars.
c) Provide fighter data after the war, especially at Major Wars.
d) Unit Leaders check in with the General at Major Wars.
e) At Major Wars, at the end of every battle unit commanders should check in with the General. Have your 2nd in command to prep your troops while commanders hear the plans. The General will give battle plans, then the unit commanders are to spread them to their troops.

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